Stay Awake Bri! (2018)
Written for a bit of fun and to help my friend Bri stay awake when she had to drive to work early, or drive home late!
Nightclub Time (2018)
Time to chill out, perhaps a glass of wine, someone you care for . . .
Good News on the Horizon (2018)
Well, that's what is sounds like to me!
The Gentle Fiddler (2018)
Just a gentle piece that swings along nicely with hints of trad Irish!
Tears For Clover
As a teenager, my daughter was a keen event rider. Her horse named Clover got injured and I wrote this to cheer her up. Clover recovered and competed again to international level. Nothing to do with the music!
Song & Dance for Mimi
When my teenage daughter's competition event horse got injured, we had a lot of trouble finding a replacement. When we did we named her Mimi.
The Other Side of Town (2018)
Another nightclub jazzy number.